Friday, June 01, 2007

Get printer state using SNMP

Nothing easier on windows: there's a very useful library called OLEPRN.DLL sitting in system folder.

You may use VBS like follows:

dim o

' create an COM object to communicate to network printer

set o = createobject("oleprn.olesnmp")

' open a snmp session to printer using its IP address, public interface, retry count 1 and 6000 msecs as timeout "","public",1,6000

' get printer state by state OID

x = o.GetAsByte("") '

' output the state: 2 is OK, all others are warning/error codes '

' change MsgBox to desired notification method '

MsgBox x


You may want to write a C++ code:


"d:\\windows\\system32\\oleprn.dll" no_namespace

#define USAGE _T("usage: %s <printer IP address>\nsample: %s")


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


    if(argc < 2)



        return -1;



    ISNMPPtr aPtr;

    _bstr_t bstrHost(argv[1]);

    _bstr_t bstrCommunity("public");

    _bstr_t bstrOID("");

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;



        hr = aPtr.CreateInstance(__uuidof(SNMP));

        hr = aPtr->Open(bstrHost,bstrCommunity);

        int iStatus = aPtr->GetAsByte(bstrOID);

        printf("Status %d\n",iStatus);



    catch(_com_error *e)






        wprintf(_T("Unknown error occured\n"));



    return 0;



Or you may want to get it working in managed code:

