Monday, August 07, 2006

Missing Umlaute in ASP.NET WebForm Application?

Assume, you developed an ASP.NET WebForms Application running on Windows Server 2003 box. Assume, the application contains some portion of WebForm elements having special characters to show to user (like german Umlaute chars - ö Ö ä Ä ü Ü ß ).

Assume, one comes and installs something essential for ASP.NET settings on the same machine - mind just SharePoint Server for example.

Be next morning as early as you can in the office at your desk and get ready to hear the phone ringing: the users of your application will report missing chars in the forms.

The reason: you saved your .aspx files as ANSI, but actually the UTF-8 encoding expected.

Two ways out:

1. Re-save your application files (.aspx assumed) as UTF-8.
2. Tune fileEncoding attribute in globalization element of web.config for your application.

Choose appropriate one. Keep in mind, each save of web.config causes application restart (runnings sessions will be abandoned).

If the application is clustered (NLB), apply changes on each node. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills