Monday, October 25, 2010

Who wakes up my computer?

I suspend my computer running Windows 7 Ultimate each time I finish my work, but in morning see it running again. Somebody touched mouse or pressed the keyboard? No.

How to detect, who wakes up the computer and how to prevent it?

First, let us see, which event was responsible for changing computer’s power state. there are two ways:

- run
powercfg –lastwake
from console window


- check in System event log for event from Power-Troubleshooter:

In my case the mcupdate_scheduled task was the reason to wake up.

Checked in the scheduled task library (to find in Windows 7 in Computer management)


Yes, it is! The Media Center updater wakes up the computer to perform an update.

To turn it out, open task properties, go to “Conditions” tab, clear the checkbox “Wake the computer to run this task”, confirm with “OK” and enjoy:


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