Yes, I’ve finally installed this version: what a change!
To download here:
Problems, solutions and workarounds: all about using, developing and implementing software across Microsoft technologies...and BTW: yes, I work for Microsoft!
Yes, I’ve finally installed this version: what a change!
To download here:
Adobe Reader Updater may report following error on Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2:
UAC may be reason for that.
This is a standard way for me: create a VM (Virtual PC, Virtual Server, Windows XP Mode, Hyper-V), attach an ISO file with desired OS, install OS, attach an ISO file with SQL developer edition, install SQL.
Used it for SQL 2000, 2005, 2008 – now started with 2008 R2: downloaded an ISO file from MSDN subscriptions and used it as described above.
First problems came during the setup: suddenly the setup program reported something like that:
“Could not find module to install”
Setup was interrupted, I tried it over and over again – pretty same result. Bad ISO? Downloaded it again – same result. Somehow I succeeded to continue setup SQL server (using Repair, then add new features to existing instance), but then came another error message I cannot get rid of
“Could not find the Database Engine startup handle”
Fully confused, I burned the ISO file to DVD, mounted it to VM and installed SQL 2008 R2 without problems.
Another VM is running in Hyper-V on a server outside of manual accessibility, so I cannot just put a DVD into the DVD drive and do the same. Here helped WinRAR: extracted all the files in a temporary folder on VM (be sure using a short named path – former SQL installations were not tolerant to LFNs/blanks in path name etc.) and started the setup as usual – succeeded!
Summary: the solution is – either try to burn the image to a DVD and use the physical drive or extract the files using WinRAR and start the setup from filesystem.
Just mounting an ISO file as a virtual DVD is not suitable for SQL 2008 R2 developer edition – this is my experience. Since the setup of SQL 2008 R2 is not a-couple-of-minutes-business, this solution may save you a big portion of your time (despite of nerves).
UPD: Similar problems are described here:
Already prepared hundreds of virtual images for different virtualization environments, installed thousands of software packages – I’ve encountered today a very strange problem. Trying to install SSLDiag on a W2K8 VM, I’ve got a warning dialog and cannot continue:
The solution is (at least, it helped me) described here:
Assume you have a custom WebService/WCF Client speaking with your or 3rd party service.
The client may be a managed or unmanaged code, but runs on x64 natively (not WOW:ed). One day you may need to discover, what data is really sent/received over the wire (for example, to inspect SOAP envelopes).
The constraints are usually, you aren’t permitted to install on the target box (where client is running) any “hard-artillery” tools like Wireshark.
One of possible solutions is to use a free and footprint-less tool of Microsoft - STRACE:
Based on “detours” utility and designed for Internet Explorer tracing, the tool is also useful to trace socket activities of nearby any custom Windows application sending/receiving data over the network.
Since 2009 offers the STRACE support also for x64 versions of Windows.
Here is a short manual, what to do if you are going to trace the socket traffic of your custom application running on x64 version of Windows.
1. Install STRACE from the location above. You will get a folder called STRACE with subfolder x64 containing bits required to run on the x64 Windows.
2. Start your custom client and detect process ID of your application (using, for example, Task Manager or Process Explorer)
3. Assume, your client application has a process ID 4976. Open Console AS ADMINISTRATOR (it is essential!) and navigate to the STRACE folder. Then issue the following command:
c:\program files (x86)\strace>runelevate x64\injdll /d:x64\strace.dll /p:4976
runelevate – ensures the elevation of user access privileges to administrator level if UAC is active
x64\injdll – injects the strace.dll into the process space of custom application for tracing of the network traffic
/d:x64\strace.dll – points to the suitable version of strace.dll, doing the trace job. It is important to specify the correct library since there’s no way to inject any 32bit library into 64bit process and visa versa.
/p:4976 – specifies the process ID where we are going to inject strace.dll into.
After you launched the command above, the tracing will start as soon as first network communication will be issued by or for the specified process. Same time the STRACE creates a logfile (usually on your desktop), named according following regulations
STRACE_<process name>_PID_<process ID>_<date>_<time>.LOG
This file contains all the socket conversations of your application:
To stop the tracing – just close your application. The injection will not be done automatically on application restart.
Well, after FILESTREAM support is removed from your database definitions, you will definitely like to update your visual studio database project.
Started as always – compare schema definitions, write updates. But the FILESTREAM sql’s are not removed. Trying to remove it manually (just exclude from project) causes an error, saying <unnamed> has reference to non existing file group FILESTREAM.
Checked all the files in project manually – no references to FILESTREAM at all. Rebuild – same error.
The source of the message is the .dbmdl file still containing references to FILESTREAM. This file is a binary one and cannot be edited.
The FILESTREAM feature came with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and offers a very promising functionality in processing of large data portions. Unfortunately, this function does not allow usage of database mirroring as a high availability feature of SQL database:
Sometimes you may be happy with just varbinary column type: but if you plan to configure your database for mirroring you have to remove FILESTREAM support form your database completely.
One possible solution is described here:
Alternatively you may use some easier way with SQL Management Studio:
That’s all.
If your database contains data, you may need to export the data (before 2) and re-import them (after 5).
Since a couple of days I’m using it – what a change!
I can’t stand to say: I really love this version!
Install it from here:
and enjoy!
Just installed IE9 Beta on one of my boxes running Windows Server 2008 R2: previous IE version was 8 – with minimum of add-ons.
The 32Bit version of IE9 Beta crashes immediately – and does it in cycle: one crash dialog window closes - the next one opens immediately. The 64Bit version does work properly, but… the pages using 32Bit extensions (ActiveX etc.) do not work – as by design.
Investigation starts with launch Internet Explorer with alls add-ons disabled:
c:>Program Files(x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore –extoff
Then disable all add-ons (I’ve disabled all but Microsoft extensions) and restart IE. Step by step enable add-ons and restart IE – until it crashes on start.
In my case it was Toolbar version
BTW, there’s a very interesting article from Mark Russinovich, describing high-level investigation of random IE crash using debugging techniques:
Last week we were faced to following problem: the customer uses SSRS on a server. The SSRS are installed in the server’s root (as by default): http://server.domain.tld/ReportServer. On the same server runs another custom solution under http://server.domain.tld/CustomSolution. The security regulations restrict browsing access to the root folders of the web sites: only URLs starting with http://server.domain.tld/CustomSolution are permitted, all others (also the SSRS URL is blocked from browsing on the workstations). The goal is to let the users load and see the SSRS reports.
The first idea was to configure the default SSRS URLs using SSRS configuration tool or modifying rsreportserver.config manually – as described in So we tried to configure SSRS to run in http://server.domain.tld/CustomSolution/ReportServer. It didn’t work because there’s a collision between ASP.NET and SSRS http handlers: both are trying to process the request, but ASP.NET by default wins.
Since the URLs with root folder other than CustomSolution are blocked only on the workstations and not on the servers, we decided to implement following solution:
…and it works!
Solution steps
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" Namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" TagPrefix="rsweb" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<script runat="server">
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
if (Request["report"] != null)
// set report path
this.ReportViewer.ServerReport.ReportPath = Request["report"];
if (Request["reportServer"] != null)
// set report server URL
this.ReportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri(Request["reportServer"]);
<html xmlns="">’
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<!-- mb: required for ReportViewer usage -->
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager" runat="server">’
<!-- mb: ReportViewer WebControl itself -->
<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer" runat="server" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="2200px" Height="1000px">
Yes, the IE9 is here! Many news – one of them is GPU powered HTML5 support. Read more announcements and enjoy!
Just created a database in SQL Azure using Web UI – and promptly tried to connect using SSMS.
Cannot connect to <servername>
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Invalid object name 'sys.configurations'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 208)
The workaround is:
More about this trick here (thanks to Stan Kitsis).
Using freshly installed Windows Azure Tools with VS10 you may encounter following error:
Unable to start Development Storage. Failed to start Development Storage: the SQL Server instance ‘localhost\SQLEXPRESS’ could not be found. Please configure the SQL Server instance for Development Storage using the ‘DSInit’ utility in the Windows Azure SDK.
That means, the Development Storage wasn’t initiated properly on the box you are using. To init the storage you have to use the DSInit utility from Windows Azure SDK – to find in:
C:\Program Files\Windows Azure SDK\v1.2\bin\devstore
If you have a complete SQL 2008 installation on your computer, you may encounter following error after DSInit starts:
Failed to create database 'DevelopmentStorageDb20090919' : A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
Unfortunately, DSInit tries to create Development Storage databases in a SQLEXPRESS instance, that is not here. So, your task is to specify the SQL instance to use for Development Storage database creation.
Use DSInit command line switches as follows:
c:\Program Files\Windows Azure SDK\v1.2\bin\devstore>dsinit /sqlInstance:. /forceCreate
and enjoy!
UPD: using /silent switch in the command line will suppress the progress and confirmation dialog, so you do not have to confirm end of process.